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MANUAL DOOR CLOSERS - Do you have an Open & Shut Case?


"Manual door closers are ubiquitous. We take advantage of their service on a daily basis without usually noticing that they are in place or that they are doing their job correctly. It is when something is seriously wrong with these closers that they become blatantly noticeable and potentially dangerous." This is an excerpt from Michael Panish's article titled MANUAL DOOR CLOSERS - Do you have an Open & Shut Case?

Mike explains how door closers work, how to choose the right door closer, and why door closers can cause injuries. Mike has specified and installed hundreds of thousands of door closers over the past 35+ years as a door and door hardware contractor. One of his primary areas of expertise pertains to doors and automatic door cases. He has been involved as an expert witness in door cases across the United States. He is available for Plaintiff and Defense cases.