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Exit "Panic Bar" Door Injuries


Exit panic bar hardware and push bars are designed to allow you to leave a building quickly, without any special knowledge or information. Panic bars provide the ability to lock the door(s) from the outside while still allowing people to exit from the inside of a public building.

* Von Duprin was the first "panic bar" manufacturer. The panic bar was developed in 1908 after a theatre fire in Chicago, which killed approximately 600 people who were trapped inside a burning theatre. Carl Prinzler was supposed to be at that theatre on the night of the fire, but he did not attend due to business commitments. The theatres had been locked to prohibit nonpaying patrons from entering the theatre. But, this also prohibited people on the inside of the building from exiting and those people perished in that fire. Prinzler then devised a way to keep the doors locked from the outside and still allow patrons to exit from the inside in an emergency. Prinzler hired Henry H. DuPont to design the product. Vonnegut Hardware Company was chosen to market the product. The name Von Duprin is a combination of the three names, Vonnegut, DuPont and Prinzler. Von Duprin continues to manufacture panic devices as well as other locks and security equipment, and Von Duprin is a brand of Ingersoll Rand. * About Us, Von Duprin Website

Stores, often in an attempt to provide security, sometimes disable panic bars and create an inadvertent life threatening safety hazard. Injuries resulting can include entrapment, amputation of fingers, severe lacerations, head injuries, and burns.

Mike Panish is a forensic expert witness and consultant in the construction industry. One of his primary areas of expertise pertains to doors and automatic door cases. He has over 35 years of hands on experience dealing with commercial, multi residential, hotel, hospital, lab and other locations where specialty door systems are needed. He has written several articles on the subject of door related claims and maintenance issues related to door and automatic door systems. He is licensed as a door and hardware contractor in the State of California. He has been involved in door cases across the United States. He has been used as a consultant and has been retained and designated as expert in many types of door injury related claims for both the plaintiff and defense. Mike is able to quickly ascertain the facts, explain the critical information pertaining to your case and can assist you in developing your case from discovery through trial. He has offices in California, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. He is available for nationwide, inspection, consulting, expert analysis, and testimony.
