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Automatic Doors - ANSI & AAADM


ANSI and AAADM are the two main guidelines for the safe operation of all automatic door systems. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) provides the basic operational guidelines for all owners of automatic doors, and promotes safety for the public in general. The American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers (AAADM) in most respects parallels the ANSI standards. AAADM guidelines have been established to promote the safe operation of door systems as well.

The major automatic door manufacturers such as Horton Automatics, Besam Entrance Solutions, and Stanley Access Technologies, among others, formed the guidelines that AAADM promotes. It is with the safety of the general public in mind that the organization strives to elevate safety and improve the overall equipment and products found on automatic door systems. Through their programs they attempt to educate and train service technicians and installers to assure that the automatic doors function safely and consistently. In an ideal environment, everyone participating in those programs should act in compliance. In reality, there are often participants that deviate from the standards and practices leading to severe personal injuries from all types of automatic door systems.

Mike Panish is the highly regarded automatic door expert witness that is regularly retained by plaintiff, defense, and cross defense for door injury and defect claims. He is currently and consistently involved in over thirty active cases that are in various phases of discovery and trial. Mike has the unique ability to relate all of the pertinent and important information to everyone involved in these cases. Mike has over 35 years of experience working with doors and door hardware, and has been instrumental in successfully resolving major claims for his clients.