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Elderly shopper hit by an automatic door at a big box store dies from her injuries


Elderly shopper hit by an automatic door at a big box store dies from her injuries

Mike Panish, Automatic Door Expert Witness, was the retained expert for the plaintiff for a case in Florida. An elderly woman, using a walker, entered a store. The automatic sliding doors parted and she walked through the doors. The doors immediately closed on her with enough force to throw her and her walker to the ground.

Upon Mike Panish’s inspection of the doorway, he found that the door system was not maintained properly. Its unsafe condition led to the door breaking the hip of the plaintiff and the plaintiff later died of her injuries, due to complications.

A favorable settlement was given to the estate of the decedent.

Mike Panish is the nation's leading and most active expert witness and consultant for automatic door personal injury and wrongful death cases. He is regularly retained by plaintiff, defense, cross defense, door manufacturers, and door installers on all types of automatic door injury, product liability, and premises liability cases.

Click here for more information on Mike Panish, Door Expert Witness, and call to discuss your case (888) 902-4272 (ask for Sharon).