In the past month a dozen personal injury cases have settled as a result of the precise reports issued by Mike Panish, Door & Gate Expert Witness and Construction Expert Witness. Automatic door claims, Gate injury claims, construction defects, contractor fraud, and defective casework issues have been resolved after Mike's thorough evaluations have been presented to the opposition. If you are looking for an expert to get positive results for your claim, you will not find anyone more competent or knowledgeable than Mike Panish.
Mike Panish, Door, Gate & Construction Expert's Involvement settled over a dozen cases in the past month
Sharon Darian
- Automatic Doors & Sensors,
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- Construction Safety & Construction Accidents,
- Contractor Fraud,
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- Doors & Doors Hardware,
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- Mike Panish Expert Witness Blog,
- Gates & Fences,
- Overhead Doors & Garage Doors,
- Gates